Mar 20, 2009

Update on Data Forms for Project #2 and Exam Notes

Let me know if you have any questions about creating your data sheets. As for the exam, I will put up all of my PowerPoints over the weekend for you to review for you to review. I am not producing a study guide, just use your book's guides. Have a good weekend!

Mar 18, 2009

PSY 233 - Project #2 Assignment

PSY 233 - Project #2

Purpose: You will be tracking your own sleep habits during a specific time period and analyzing the results as part of collaborative “online” paper.

The project has the following parts:
  1. Making your own data collection sheet to be filled out and handed in.
  2. Obtaining an online “Acrobat” account for “Buzzword” at (Free)
  3. Entering your data in at least every 2 days for a total of 8 days.
  4. At the conclusion of your data collection period, you will write up:
A summary of your data, including descriptive summary statistics and evaluating their meaning
You will collaborate with your fellow students in writing a summary paragraph, summarizing everyone’s data.


You are not to discuss the details of anyone’s data other than your own.

Data to be Collected

You will need to make a data collection form. Data collection will begin on Thursday, March 26th and will end on Thursday, April 2nd.
  1. Time you went to bed
  2. How long, in minutes (e.g., 15, 150) it took you to fall asleep)
  3. Number of times you woke up during the night
  4. Time you woke up in the morning.
  5. Rating from 1 to 5 of how awake you felt, with “1” meaning “Very Tired” and “5” meaning “Wide Awake.”
  6. Number of caffeinated beverages you consumed since 3:00pm the day before.
  7. Whether you went to sleep with music or television on
The Write Up

All four of you will collaborate on a single document. I will create the data tables for you. Each of you will enter your data on your own table. Each of you will enter your own data, write up a summary of your own results, and collaborate on a final summary.

How You Will be Graded

Turning in all of your collected data on your own form (I advise showing me the form before you begin to using it collect the data).

Feb 13, 2009

Exam 1 Study Guide - Review of Chapters 1-3

Okay, so we're having an exam. There will be 50 questions, fairly equally divided between the three chapters, plus some from my lecture and the DVD movie.

Below are some chapter highlight guidelines of those areas I think are especially important. If it isn't on this list, it won't be on the test. Try to remember what I discussed in class about the level of detail.

Chapter 1
  • what are the main elements that define a "psychological disorder?"
  • what are the main differences between professionals who study psychopathology?
  • what is the difference between a school psychologist and a BCBA?
  • what are the main elements that describe the "science-practitioner" model?
  • define "presenting problem"
  • what is the kind of question Dr. Gale is likely to ask a prospective client before meeting them?
  • what are "prevalence, incidence, and course?"
  • what was the relationship between the supernatural and psychological disorders?
  • what is a lunatic and where did that term come from?
  • what is another term for "emotion contagion?"
  • where did Hippocrates think disorders were located?
  • what was the purpose of "bloodletting?"
  • what happened to hospitals under John P. Grey?
  • what historical figure is lossely connected to the concept of electroconvulsive shock therapy (ECT)?
  • what was Emil Kraepelin's lasting achievement?
  • describe moral therapy, why did it decline (hint: 3 reasons)?
  • What was Mesmer known for?
  • Freud's primary theory was based on what principles?
  • What is the humanistic model?
  • what are the main components of the behavioral model?
  • What happened to Watson's children?
  • what is the primary approach your book uses to describe disorders?

Chapter 2
  • Difference between one-dimensional and multidimensional models of psychopathology
  • Continuation of the case of “Judy”
  • Basic review of genes
  • Know what percentage of general cognitive ability is due to heritability
  • What affect can “adverse events” in childhood have upon genetic heritability?
  • Diathesis-Stress Model and how it affects the likelihood of developing a disorder
  • Reciprocal Gene-Environment Model and its affect upon an individual’s behavior; the relationship between this and developing a particular disorder
  • Nongemonic “Inheretance” of behavior – major idea behind this
  • Crabbe, Wahlsten, and Dudek (1999) – what was the major point of this study?
  • The contribution of neuroscience – know the following:
    • CNS and what is consists of
    • PNS and what it consists of
    • ANS and what it consists of
  • How information is transmitted from one cell to another
  • *You do not need to know the structures of the brain other than the following:
    • Three divisions of the brain
    • Major lobes
    • Hypothalamus and pituitary gland
    • Cigulate gyrus
    • Hippocampus
    • Caudate nucleus
    • Amygdala
  • Names of major endocrine glands in the body (see page 46)
  • Briefly, what is the HPA axis
  • Major functions of the SNS and PNS under the Peripheral Nervous System
  • Role of Neurotransmitters
    • Process of reuptake
    • Role of serotonin
    • How GABA functions
    • Norepinephrine and what major psychological disorder it likely relates to
    • Dopamine and what major psychological disorder it likely relates to
    • SSRI’s and how they work
    • The role of agonists and antagonists
  • What likely happens to the brain structure and/or function when psychotherapy is successful? How might this be the same or different compared to medication use?
  • What is the field of “cognitive science” concerned with?
  • What is “learned helplessness” and who is associated with it?
  • What is “social learning theory” and who is associated with it?
  • What is “prepared learning?”
  • Understand the physiology of the fear response (basic understanding)
  • What is the “flight or fight” response?
  • What is “emotion,” “mood,” and “affect?”
  • Know about anger and the heart
  • What is the principle of “equifinality?”

Chapter 3
  • What is clinical assessment and diagnosis?
  • What does the value of the assessment depend upon?
  • What is the purpose of theclinical interview and, specifically, the mental status exam?
  • What is a semi-structured interview and behavioral assessment?
  • What is ABC recording?
  • What are some of the major kinds of psychological assessment?
  • What is the purpose of using standardized scores?
  • What is psychophysiological assessment?
  • What kind of strategy does the DSM IV TR use?
  • You do not need to know about DSM II or III
  • What is a multi-axial diagnosis in the DSM IV?

  • What is a "bell-shaped" curve?
  • Based upon IQ only, what defines mental retardation or giftedness?
  • What question does Dr. G always ask a client if depression or anxiety is suspected?
  • What occurred during "Normal People Scare Me?"

Feb 12, 2009

Study list for Exam 1 next Wed

Hi Class,

Still working on the study guide... will have it up by the end the day tomorrow.

Dr. G

Feb 6, 2009

Summary for Week 3: 02/04/09

I'm glad you all had a chance to see the documentary film, "Normal People Scare Me" this past Monday while I was out of town.

This past Wednesday, we did a little switching around, since not all of you have your textbooks. You should have started reading Chapter 2 already and we will have a lecture on it next Wednesday. Today, I began to discuss Chapter 3 on assessment and we'll finish up on Monday, then go back to Chapter 2 for a lecture. Then, the following Monday... that's right, no school! But, on Wednesday, and this is a change, we are having our first exam on Chapters 1-3.

So, that means the exam will be on Chapters 1-3, not Chapters 1-4 as was in the original syllabus. Why? It turns out we will have some visitors on the day we would have taken the exam, so why not make a minor switch to make things more interesting?

I'll go over things again during class next Monday, just to be clear. Your papers will still be due on the original date, but you are welcome to hand them in sooner.

Jan 29, 2009

Summary for Week 2

Week Wrap Up
  • Today, as we finished up Chapter 1.
  • We defined what a disorder is and the general definition of "abnormal" or a problem considered to qualify as a "mental disorder." Remember there are three parts to it.
  • What kind of model is often used for training a psychologist and what is it designed to achieve?
  • Be sure you carefully read through what distinguishes a psychologist from psychiatrists social worker and so forth. I skipped over that in class.
  • Think about what a therapist does when they see a client, presenting problem, etiology, course of treatment... all that important stuff. Also, what do I always do before seeing someone for the first time? Am I required to see a client just because they call and make the request?
  • What does the "integrative view" involve?
  • You need to understand "incidence" and "prevalence.
  • The historical section is important and we only covered a small part of it in class. Please read thoroughly.
  • Use the PowerPoint for Chapter 1 below. Even though it's a different edition (need to post new ones), it's still relevant.
Assignment due next Wednesday - Paper Proposal
  • Write a proposal telling me what the topic is and how you plan to cover it. Remember, the final paper should be 5 pages or less and if you wish, you may make an oral presentation. However, you will be graded not on the oral presentation itself but on the recorded version of the oral presentation.
  • Your paper is due the day of the first Exam. If you are planning an oral presentation, you must include that in your proposal and all materials, notes, outline, handouts, etc. you plan to include must be turned in the day of the exam. I will hand them back to you to conduct the presentation at the beginning of class the following meeting.
Have a good weekend and please remember I will not be in class on Monday but there will be a movie. Normal People Scare Me about autism.

Jan 21, 2009

Welcome Students!

We should have an interesting time this Spring. I'm looking forward to getting to know each of you a bit better. Abnormal Psych was my favorite course when I was in school and I'm hoping you enjoy this course as much as I did.

Feel free to use this blog to post questions and comments about the text. Just remember, it is a public forum. That's the easiest way for students to access it. If the class wishes, I can easily make it private.

I will also use it to keep you posted on important information in your text or interesting events in the community during the time of our course.

Looking forward to seeing you all in class.

Dr. Gale