Mar 18, 2009

PSY 233 - Project #2 Assignment

PSY 233 - Project #2

Purpose: You will be tracking your own sleep habits during a specific time period and analyzing the results as part of collaborative “online” paper.

The project has the following parts:
  1. Making your own data collection sheet to be filled out and handed in.
  2. Obtaining an online “Acrobat” account for “Buzzword” at (Free)
  3. Entering your data in at least every 2 days for a total of 8 days.
  4. At the conclusion of your data collection period, you will write up:
A summary of your data, including descriptive summary statistics and evaluating their meaning
You will collaborate with your fellow students in writing a summary paragraph, summarizing everyone’s data.


You are not to discuss the details of anyone’s data other than your own.

Data to be Collected

You will need to make a data collection form. Data collection will begin on Thursday, March 26th and will end on Thursday, April 2nd.
  1. Time you went to bed
  2. How long, in minutes (e.g., 15, 150) it took you to fall asleep)
  3. Number of times you woke up during the night
  4. Time you woke up in the morning.
  5. Rating from 1 to 5 of how awake you felt, with “1” meaning “Very Tired” and “5” meaning “Wide Awake.”
  6. Number of caffeinated beverages you consumed since 3:00pm the day before.
  7. Whether you went to sleep with music or television on
The Write Up

All four of you will collaborate on a single document. I will create the data tables for you. Each of you will enter your data on your own table. Each of you will enter your own data, write up a summary of your own results, and collaborate on a final summary.

How You Will be Graded

Turning in all of your collected data on your own form (I advise showing me the form before you begin to using it collect the data).

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